What is an icon?

The word ICON comes from the Greek word 'eikon' which means ' image'. Icons are sacred representations of Christ and angels, of The Mother och God, of events from The Bible as well as of saints and other holy persons.

The icon is meant to give the true image of the persons or of what happened. The icon-painter must not deviate from the existing originals established in old Christian traditions and rules, formulated at synods.

The icon helps us to concentrate on sacred values. It reminds us of the holy persons, like a photo reminding us of those we love.

Development of icon painting

The art of painting icons developed in Bysans and was spread from there to the Eastern Mediterranean area, the Balkans and Russia. The oldest preserved icons are to be found in the monastery of Sinai, dating back to the 6th century.

Icon painting is an anonymous painting, performed to the glory of God, mostly by unknown painters. Anyhow, some painters are known from The Middle Ages, above all Andrej Rubljov, active about 1400, best known for his icon The Old Testament Trinity, to be seen today in the Tretiakov Gallery in Moscow.

My teacher

Father Robert de Caluwé, 1913-2005, began painting icons in the 1940s and led many courses. He founded an ecumenic centre in Esboo near Helsinki, Finland, where the message of icon-painting was made live - the icon-painting that existed before Church was split into an Eastern and a Western branch and is consequently  ecumenical in character. He wanted to show all that unite the Christian churches. Father Robert held about 30 courses in Söråker, near Sundsvall, Sweden, where also his in Sweden best-known icon, Segertecknet (Sign of Victory), was to be seen, before it was mowed to The Cathedral of Härnösand. Father Robert painted in the Novgorod tradition and was my teacher for more than ten years.    

I was born in 1934. When my professional career in school was coming to an end, I began studying water-colour painting and in 1993 I attended my first course in icon-painting with Father Robert. After that I attended courses twice a year with him until his death in 2005.


Senaste kommentarer

25.09 | 14:05

Hej.Gudrun! Jag smyger in på din fina sida och läser dina kommentarer till ikonerna. Du har fört noggrannare anteckningar än jag.
Hälsn. Christina N.

14.08 | 15:21

Hej,Gudrun! Jag var in och hälsade på hos dina fina ikoner. Alltid lika trevligt att uppleva och uppliva gamla minnen.

16.06 | 17:59

Hej Gudrun
Ikoner som jag köpt är välsignade i kyrkan och sprider värme och ljus i de hem
de är, Varma Hälsningar Christina

02.03 | 09:51

Hej Gudrun! Vilken läcker sida, älskar designen!